Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sorry for the Hiatus

I meant to post yesterday, and a lot earlier today, but I got a little wrapped up in Mega Man X and X2. Absolutely amazing. X I've played through about 20 times, and I'd honestly give it a 9 out of 10. If you've never played it, the graphics kick ass, and the sound is this crazy super-futuristic techno with a ridiculous beat, it makes you want to roll on E and save the world at the same time, it's great.

X is a tough game too, it'll keep you busy for awhile, and once you've beaten it and it's not a challenge, like for me, I can fly through it in 45 minutes to an hour, you try X2, which I think is ridiculously hard. The best part, imo, is all the crazy weapons and the upgrades for them, you can fuck shit up in so many ways, it's not even funny. Actually, it is kind of funny, it's fucking hysterical sometimes. You can even unlock a hadoken in X; it actually inspired me to learn how to shoot hadokens in beer pong, I'll post a video of me doing it sometime.

X2 I'd give a 9.5, only because the graphics are a little better and the game is a little more difficult. You get the shoryuken in X2 instead of the hadoken (it's damn near impossible to reach, even Dr. Light recognizes that), and it's sweet like sugar-coated sugar. I managed to play through tonight and finish it, which leaves the play time at about 4 hours for, if I may brag, a pretty good Mega Man player. The only problem nowadays is that the classic MMs and MM Xs aren't exactly current games, but you can download them on a Wii, or you can play MM X 1-7 in Mega Man X Collection for PS2.

I already bought X3, I can't wait for it to get here. All I have to say is God bless Ebay, because no store I've gone to has had it, and the last place I went said that if they did get it, it would be 80-90 bucks. $31.13 + shipping and handling mothafucka, you really can't beat that. Speaking of which, I should probably go and pay the fine gentleman that sold it to me, so chao everybody, and remember; the only good evil robot is a dead evil robot.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Agenda

So, the main focus of Gametopia, for now, is going to be vintage games. This may sound strange, and many of you will be perplexed. The reason for this is that I have a Super Nintendo sitting in front of me, along with an X-Box (sadly out of commission at the moment), a Sega Genesis, an original Gameboy (the gray one, OG-status), a 3DO, and a Playstation. As you can guess, this is an opportunity I shant ignore.

We'll start with SNES games, it's kind of hooked up to my tv, so it seems only natural, but we can move onto just about anything that strikes my fancy. For now I've limited comments to blog members only because I don't want flamers to damage my frail self-esteem before we get the ball rolling, but I'll be changing that. Please, by all means, make requests of me, I will be picking up more and more games as my disposable income increases.

Oh, and for you 'elitists' with your fancy Wiis and 360s and PS3s, I'll be posting those games soon, but since I'm poor and don't own one myself I'll be 'borrowing' them from friends and I won't be quite as able to take requests. Army of Two I think I can review soon though, so look for that.

Good gaming!